Steel Key Brass Key A beautiful necklace of fine make. Wary be thee who reads me. Full of facts of old Ketonia. To be read and enjoyed by the individual reading it. To be read and enjoyed by the individual reading it. Mmmmmmm. Clear be the night when the dragons eye be thy sight. In combination with flame this becomes a poor mans fireball. Heavy Iron spikes capable of being driven into the hardest of stone. A highly polished plate of pure silver. Rope What they lack in taste they more than make up for in nutrition. Warmth Flesh To Stone Major Vorpal Plate Monster Summoning II Shocking Grasp Stone To Flesh Power Surge Fumble Monster Summoning I Acid Splash Stinking Cloud Steel Rain Heat Sphere Cure Blindness Warp Wood Lightning Strike Light Fairy Fire Bark Skin Stone Shape Mass Invisibility Charm Monster Cure Blade Barrier Globe Of Invulnerability Fear Entangle Cure Critical Wounds Hold Monster Animate Dead Sleep Limited Blink Itching Skin Festering Wounds Dispel Magic Strength Enchanted Blade Cure Serious Wounds Charm Humanoid Hold Humanoid Protection From Heat Protection From Cold Vorpal Plate Cure Light Wounds Brim Stones Bless Silence 15' Radius Minor Attack Flector Locate Object Magic Screen II Cosmic Blast Slow Water Breathing Haste Fly Fire Ball Deep Freeze Blink Protection From Evil Invisibility Dig Detect Secret Detect Magic Spider Climb Identify Feather Fall Jump Personal Items. Paper of superior quality needed for the etchings of magical words. A stout stick covered in pitch. Pack Sturdy shafts that fly straight and true. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls. A magical wrapping capable of binding up to five scrolls.